IKIM Mission
Teaching Packages
Teaching Packages
Teaching Packages

Dr. Sajan Saini
Education Director
Dr. Sajan Saini received his doctoral degree in materials science at MIT in 2004, during which he investigated materials and device designs for optically pumped waveguide amplifiers in silicon microphotonics.
Sajan has worked with the MIT Microphotonics Center as a postdoctoral associate; he has also been a professor with the physics department at Queens College of CUNY (City University of New York), and lectured with the writing program at Princeton University. In addition to running a graduate research program on nanostructured materials, he has taught courses on photonics, introductory quantum physics, general astronomy, scientific writing, graphic novels and science-fiction, and climate science communications.
At AIM Academy, Sajan oversees the production of all teaching and learning materials, including online modules, certification courses, and summer academy offerings. He has taught at SPIE Photonics West, co-authored several patents, and his scientific and science writings have appeared in IEEE and APL publications, book chapters, and Harper’s Magazine.