IKIM Mission
Teaching Packages
Teaching Packages
Teaching Packages
Technician Certificate Program
Advanced Manufacturing & Integrated Photonics (AMIP)

Photo credit: Stonehill College
As new standards and methodologies emerge for integrated photonics manufacturing, the fabrication and testing of such complex circuits is moving out of the university and government laboratory research cleanroom space and into a range of small and medium enterprise production environments with a larger workforce comprised of baccalaureate engineers and technician staff. To sustain a common foundation of skills, essential tasks, and technical knowledge, AIM Academy offers educational materials and training workshops that meet undergraduate credentialing and technician certification requirements.
In the summer of 2020, Stonehill College and Bridgewater State University began offering a certificate and apprenticeship program for photonics technicians. MIT worked with both schools to develop curriculum, form partnerships with companies and create a technician boot camp offering at MIT.
Congratulations to the first cohort of 11 students who graduated in August 2021. See the program’s website for details about the current program curricula.

Photo credit: Stonehill College, Ruby Gu