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The emergence of standardized fabrication processes for photonic integrated circuits now allows for Small-to-Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) the ability to use “fabless” manufacturing processes, producing their batch products as part of a Multi-Project-Wafer (MPW) runs in a state-of-the-art 300mm semiconductor processing research fab at SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering. 


A partnership with IKIM allows large and small companies to contribute their expertise to the industry roadmap, identify the integrated photonics skill set they need and requisite training that would help develop an integrated photonics workforce, benefit from access to a skilled pool of students by sponsoring summer internships in integrated photonics, and design research projects for a Massachusetts network of Labs for Education and Application Prototypes (LEAPs) that train prospective students in hands-on manufacturing principles, including a LEAP facility at MIT.


In 2020, IKIM began working on advanced manufacturing offerings that extend beyond photonics.  These include working with companies across many technologies to build a state-wide technician-training program, and leading work on a National Manufacturing Workforce Roadmap.

IKIM Initiative

77 Massachusetts Ave (13-4122)

Cambridge, MA 02139

Tel: 617-715-5775


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